The HTC U12+ Review/Cover By Arsal Ali

The HTC U12+ Review
Hey, While the American design headquarters anyway, this here, this beautiful thing I’m holding is the HGC you 12 plus.
That’s right. Plus. But before I show you the front and tell you about the guts. Let me flip it over before it becomes a fingerprint magnet and show you all the cool, translucent, semi-transparent back.
Check it out. You can see the connectors. You can see some of the bits pieces underneath the blue hue.
And then there’s this kind of grid pattern, right where the battery would be that’s etched in the glass. This is a thing of beauty. Check it out.
I mean, if you don’t want that phone now after that, I don’t know why you’re even watching this article. So anyway, you’re probably wondering what’s in it for me. Well, its flagship is GA’s Snapdragon 845.
Of course, Scott, you know, 6 gigs around, which is awesome, 64, 128 gigs of storage.
You have a choice here, at least on this color. There are 2 more colors. I’ll get to those in my Instagram photos.
If you check it out. But you’re looking at my Kristie, expansion, of course. And this display here, you notice, has no notch. So that’s pretty cool, right? Nobody wants notches these days. Maybe you do.
I don’t know. But you notice immediately there are 2 cameras in the front.
Those are 2 8 megapixel EFO 2.0 cameras. There’s a piece, of course, and sensors and some LCD.
This is this, please, Cordish Geertz IP s super LCD 6 is what HTC is saying, and it has a 6-inch diagonal size. This 1 is about the same footprint as a 1 plus 6, essentially, or phone. The current standard size was 18 by nine.
Of course, it’s got very few Chin Basils and definitely, edge bezzle, which is recalled. 3500 million power battery inside.
And so you won’t run out of juice. There is no wireless charging, sadly, because of this translucent, beautiful design. But quick charge for with a quick charge.
Three chargers in the box. So I think that’s it. In terms of specs for the main unit, let me talk to you about the camera and some of the other cool stuff like Etch Sense and stuff. So you can see, meet, there’s a dual-camera system in the back.
Right now there’s a 12-megapixel main camera that was there for 1.75.
And that’s just a normal wide-angle or normal lens. And then you’ve got a 16 megapixel F over 2.6 camera.
That’s a telephoto camera. I assume it’s 2 times zoom. And then we have Hoyas on the mainland’s you flash fingerprint reader, laser autofocus. You can see all that. So that’s it for the camera.
And it does that portrait mode for the front and the back since you get to a camera it’s got all the things you’d expect today.
And it’s got a really good exo reading of 1 or three. So if that matters to you, this is a good camera to check out.
I think it’s going to be the proof in the pudding, really. You know me. So anyway, walking you through the edges is where it gets a little interesting. You see, there is a parallel kind of volume rock here on the right-hand side, but that is not a bunch of buttons you can click on.
They’re not physical buttons. They rely on the same kind of sensor that HTC has been using for Edge since on the U.
Eleven, which is present on the 12th plus. And so when you tap them, you get like this really beautiful haptic feedback that you would get.
Honestly, something like a V 30 or an iPhone 10, very high quality. How tech mortar and Regis feels like you click the button, the buttons don’t move. And this makes the IP 68 water resistance a little bit easier to implement.
So you’ve got nothing on the top. There are 4 microphones on this phone.
You can see 1 here. There’s 1 in the back down here at the bottom. On the bottom edge, you have USP type C and the main speaker.
But the front, your piece is used a secondary speaker and a no headphone jack, sadly, no dongle in the box. But you get the sonic earbuds, which are pretty cool. And then on the left-hand side here, you’ve got the same slot and that’s basically it.
And of course, the SIM slot has my Christi’s support. I just mentioned that before.
So that’s the lay of the land for this phone. It’s a pretty nice phone. Snapdragon 845 is, pardon the pun, snappy.
You know, you’d expect that. I mean, this is going to bring you everything you’d expect from a flagship today. So pricing is 800 essentially for the 64 gigs. That’s really 799. And it’s only 850 for the 128 gigs.
So that’s pretty competitive pricing. We’re looking at pretty much similar pricing to the Galaxy s nine or little undercutting it.
So, yeah. Said the huge 12 plus here in San Francisco. I will be getting my hands on this at a point soon, I hope I get this beautiful blue one that’s so translucent it’s the only one that semi-translucent is the only 1 with the 2 options of 64 128 gigs of storage.
So stay tuned for more articles. Thanks for watching. Cheers.