The Vivo V11 Unboxing/Cover By Arsal Ali

The Vivo V11 Unboxing
Hey, Another day, another unboxing, this is the Vevo Vidhi, 11:00. This is an interesting device because it is an in-display fingerprint reader and a teardrop notch, very similar to the 1 plus 60. So cool stuff. So here we go
. That’s the box, says Veev over 11. And a little barcode action here. V eleven.
There’s some stuff here. The model number is 18 or four species. And I don’t know how much ram or storage a smart variant has, but I checked out the specs and really haven’t been able to find a great detail on this phone anywhere.
So you can see where it’s getting in the display, fingerprint reader eye on the camera and it does have a quad engine, fast charging, that means. Dual engine, sorry, anyway. So that’s the box. Let’s open it up, shall we? Did it and did it.
There’s nothing in here. And let’s see. Continue. A little evil thing here. And then there’s the phone. I’ll get to in a second.
And then there’s a bunch of stuff in the box, but including some e-mails. So this looks like it has a British-style charger, which positively means this is an Indian phone for India.
Interesting. So this is probably, of course, a custom charger since it has sort of fast charge capability.
And here is the USP cable regular USP to type.
No, this is in type C. Wow. I’m surprised this is micro USP. So regular use B, type H, A micro USP.
And then we’ve got sort of earbuds. 3.5 millimeter, which means it has a headphone jack in here somewhere. That is super cool. Look at these.
There we are. So that’s what’s in the box, right. Let’s look at this little sub box here really quickly. There is a bunch of stuff in here. Nice.
That’s it for the box is a bunch of manuals and nice to keep you translucent case. It was nice to get a phone with a case you never know might happen.
And SIM removal tool. Here we go. Here are some specs Vevo. So if free 5-megapixel front rears twelve with a 5-megapixel assist. 3400 mini amp our battery. Here’s the size. Here are some other specs and here’s what’s in the box.
So let’s say let’s remove this real quick and have a look at what’s in here. So SIM removal tool. And here we are. There is.
Oh, maybe more interesting is it looks like I don’t think this is an Indian phone after all. This might be for Hong Kong maybe, which would make sense. It looks like Chinese. But, you know, I’m no expert. So that’s a manual.
And then there is a QuickStart guide. This tells us everything we need to know right here. Appearance. All right. So let’s take a look at the phone, shall we? This is where what we came for the phone itself. So here we are.
Let’s remove it from its little sleeve and let’s take a look. So we’ve got the teardrop now, Chera, 6.4-inch display. Woo! Super shiny.
This looks like a glass back. Got a cool little gold rim around the camera pod with the dual-camera system, 12 megapixel, and 5 megapixels LCD flash Vevo, no fingerprint reader, which means it’s in-display indeed.
Here it says designed by Vevo. So this is sort of bluish blackish color.
It’s hard to tell because I’ve got tinted windows in the hotel room, so I can’t really tell.
As you can see on the left side here, it’s not much just the same trace slot. And then on the bottom, you’ve got this micro USP. So weird headphone jack primary microphone, mono speaker.
On the right-hand side here you’ve got a volume rocker and power lock key not ridged.
Top here has nothing secondary Mike. You’d expect that this feels like it has a screen protector pre-applied.
I’m not going to remove it but it’s definitely there and it has a 30 400 million bar battery. And this display in the front is a tiny DP 6 1 4 inch display.
So let’s have a look at it. Let’s start it up and see what we got.
Video camera and music. Interesting.
This one feels light. It’s pretty thin, so. 3400 million pounds, not too bad for a phone like this.
Bit of dust on here, but just taking a while to boot. But we’ll get to it.
Can see the display-ready while there’s a small, small chin, but not too much chin.
OK, here we go. Look at that. You can see it well. It’s called fun touch. Oh, yes, I know. Seriously, who marketed that? What a name. Water. Crazy name based on Android. I like that. You can see the notch and the teardrop is less pronounced than on the 1plus 60.
And so I’m going to speak English and I’m going to pick.
Well, not sure if it’s going to have the US. But you can see what markets are for. This is definitely a Hong Kong phone since this is just picked by default here.
So now, you know, I thought it was India, but. All right, next.
And some agreements. So I’m going to go back to this screen and this screen and now we have. You know, clearly a bunch of choices here. Look at that. That’s a lot of choices. But for me, it’s mostly going to be English. So we go.
So this is kind of a mid-range phone or upper mid-range. So I’m curious to see what that’s going to be like and how it’s going to fare. And I’ll let you know.
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