The ROG Phone Review/Cover By Arsal Ali

The ROG Phone Review
Hey, And guess what? This is in my hands. Yeah, you guessed it. This is the R.G. phone. The wrong phone.
The new gaming phone from a souce. It’s really quite nice. Unlike other phones that will rename unnamed. This is not like a Goudey-looking gaming phone. It’s a pretty nice-looking gaming phone. As you can see, that’s the glass back for a big part of it.
And then there’s this area my finger is moving just metal and has the cooling system in it. You can see the grill. I do a camera in a very unusual-looking fingerprint sensor.
And that little logo that’s flashing, that’s the R.G. logo. And you can program that to flash anywhere you want, color you want. R.G., be full-on. So esthetically, that’s what the phone looks like, but its inside matters.
This is a pretty exciting phone in terms of specs. So first of all, this is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8. 45 in here.
As you’d expect, but these are handpicked. 845. As soon rock base, he has picked the best, fastest performing 845 for graphics out of Qualcomm’s been of manufacturing.
They’re basically tested at the factory and handpicked by a souce so puny at the best performance possible.
So other specs are 8 gigs of RAM, 120 gigs of storage, and 5 12 gigs an option well.
There’s no microbus these. So you really do need to pick the right phone for your storage needs. There is a dual version well. So at least the 1 I looked at had 2 sims. And so that there you have it.
That’s basically the specs a 4 million. Our battery behind that lovely back and be the display panels are unique, too.
It’s a 10 ATP nine all led display, but it’s each year capable, has a 1 millisecond response time in 90-hertz refresh rate.
So it’s 1 of the fastest panels on phones ever made faster than even the Razr phone. So that’s pretty damn cool. Other things that are interesting, I’ll walk you through the edges of the phone on the left hand side here. You don’t see anything until today.
What is this, some kind of custom connector? the part on the top is the USP types you connect and the part on the bottom is custom connectivity for a bunch of dorks.
I will be talking to you guys in a second. But here on the bottom is another USP type C port. You can use your report to charge in for data and you have a headphone jack, which is a welcome addition.
On the right-hand side here you have Power Lockie and Volume Rocker, of course.
And then on top here, there’s pretty much nothing I did miss. On the left-hand side, there’s symmetry.
So that’s the lay of the land. Now there’s many shoulder button. You can’t see them there on the left edge on top. And they’re ultrasonic, very much like the squeeze feature on HTC phones or the pixel two. In fact, the phone has the squeeze feature.
You can set it up and program it to do stuff, which is very cool. So now this little thing in the back. How do you set it up? How do you program it?
There is a games center Asou says on all their laptops and you can control a whole bunch of settings. Right? You can see what’s going on. There is a fan speed setting I’ll get to that in a moment. There’s no fan in the phone was a fan accessory.
And then you have this aura light controller hearing tap on that and you get the aura light you can program it to color. As I mentioned. So that’s a kind of standard feature on most rob laptops. But there it is on the phone.
The other thing you have is, you know, a pretty, pretty plain launcher. You can see.
You know, Google now on one side, standard stuff. You get the Aptera here. Nothing really unusual. So the cameras are 12 megapixels and eight megapixels. 12 megapixels for 1.8 in the back. And then you’ve got an 8 megapixel on the front. I’m not quite sure what the F-stop is on that, but I’ll keep you posted. So that’s in a nutshell what the R.G. ESUs gaming phone is about.
There is a cool little accessory, a bunch of accessories I’ll be showing you in a second.
There is a twin view dock. And you can see, it’s like a clamshell, basically with a second display.
There is a mobile desktop dock that you can basically turn your phone into a P.C. with and then connect it to your P.C. accessories. And then there’s the Gameboy controller, which is, you know, a 3rd party accessory. But supports the white gig dock, which is a Wi-Fi AC dock from a.
And finally, there’s this cool accessory that is basically a cooling fan for this phone.
And you can attach it to the phone and you can keep it on put in your pocket and it cools your phone, keeping the battery life good and the performance fast.
And I will stay tuned for more from Complex 2018 here in Taipei. Cheers, everybody.