The Razer Hammerhead USB C ANC Earbuds/Cover By Arsal Ali
Hey, it’s another day, another unboxing. I just unbox the Razr phone to just right here and the folk at Rasor are really kind enough to send me some accessories, including these the RAM, Razor, Hammerhead, USGBC active noise cancelation, see the noise-canceling earbuds that are wired and have a USB D.C. connector.
I see the active noise cancelation features comply. Premium earphone tips. That’s nice. Raise your logo. Raise your logo.
An explanation of what you’re getting there. Take your time. Another raise or logo. Some bar codes and details. And there’s a nice little hanging tab.
Nicely done, Rasor. Nicely done. All right. So let’s do this. It’s got Velcro. You’re a go. Velcro. Velcro. Okay, so that’s what that looks like. Let’s flip it over. Very nice. It’s got another little message from a mining town which’s the new and creative director of Rasor, of course.
And here’s everything that’s in the box. They’ve got a little pouch.
Nice, nice, nice. With additional ear tips. As you can see here, nothing too shocking, of course. And the nice they include a little all things you can, like, put adapters you travel.
Maybe a 3.5-millimeter doctor or anything like that could go in there. All right.
So then we’ve got some comply. Isolation premium earphone chip. So he’s an I guess must be different than the ones in there.
And then you’ve got the actual headphones themselves, which I’m going to pull out now.
Hopefully, they will collaborate and come out without too much trouble and see the final piece is somehow underneath the box. So I guess I’m to pull this whole thing out. Yeah. Right down here. So you can see it’s all wrapped up. So let’s see.
You want to wrap it a little easier, John Box and those crazy full. It’s wireless that I unbox from 1plus awhile back, those were quite the challenge to remove from their packaging. If you remember. All right. I think we’ve freed them. Oh, look at that. There is a little coupon here in the box for some compliance.
Let me pull this out the easy way. Here we go. There’s some compliance. Premium your phone tips.
Upgrade. I guess maybe that’s all the paperwork. There’s nothing left in the box. So let’s have a quick look at all this paperwork. Now we’ll look at the headphones. So there’s a little bit of paperwork complying. Premium the phone tips you can. Tells you how to use them and cetera, et cetera. So they look like they’re kind of like your plugs. And then you’ve got hammerhead USGBC ANC today.
Specs. Some razor decals, of course. Nicely done, nicely done. So here’s the phone.
Here are the earbuds. So these are aluminum.
They match the design of the Razr phone. There is a little switch here, which means you can toggle this to prevent either. I’m not sure if it’s to turn off the mike or to prevent the buttons, one being accidentally pressed.
Nice touch, though. I like the idea a lot. And that’s the wire junction for the cable.
So the ends here are rubber and I guess the microphone is in line. Here we have 1 of the 2. And here are the actual earbuds. They’re metal well. They have the regional logo on them. And you can see the mikes for active noise cancelation and yeah, looks decent.
I mean, they’re not too heavy, which is nice. I hope they sound decent.
And then what’s cool is that the of these, this cable here on the air, on the other hand, is rubber. But this is cloth. So the other half here goes all the way to the Type C connector. These are cloth types who connect some real try to this sound, let you know what the sound like because I’m curious.
Very nice. All right, folk, this is a quick unboxing of the razor hammerhead U.S. B Type C, active of noise-canceling earbuds.
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