The Pale Blue LiPo Batteries Unboxing/Cover By Arsal Ali
Hey, it’s another day, another unboxing, and these are the pale blue Dubberly in Tripoli, lithium polymer batteries. Yes, you heard that, right? This is very, very cool.
These are Dubberly in Tripoli. Rechargeable batteries that do not need charging by a micro USP and are lithium polymer, meaning they are going to last a real long time, have a large number of charge cycles.
We’re looking at 1000 charge cycles or more. These are the same kind of batteries that are used in Teslas and really high-performance habilitation. So it’s very cool.
These are 1 sets of each. As you can see, there’s a little slogan in the back here.
So the double A’s, each of them is 1560 million of our 1.5 volts. The small ones, some Tripolis, are 450 million hours each. At 1.5 volts. And I mentioned, there is a micro GRISBY on each of these batteries. You don’t need it to connect him to a charging or charging dock.
So let’s on boxes really quickly and then I’ll talk to you about pricing, which is very interesting because. Yeah, I mean, this is good stuff.
So let’s open these up first Doughboy’s. So this comes in a little plastic holder like this. And on the other side, you have a charging cable, which is cool because this cable is USP Taipei 2 4. Yes. Count them.
1, 2, 3, 4. Micro USP. So you just plug this on 1 end point.
There’s no dock needed. You just use A my years B cable if you forget you, Mike. Previously 4 2 1 cable you can just use standard mike USP.
It’s a bit Sobeys. You charge them 1 by 1, but they fully charge less than two hours. So let’s open up the Tripolis. And again, there is a cable here. 4 1 1, 2, 3, 4, microbus B into USV type. So there they are. No batteries. So let’s see. Let’s open this up.
So this is what they look like, miserable, divided here, so then take these out and took off.
So you can see already, there is a major U.S. connector right on the battery. This is the triple-A. And here’s a micro USP connector right on the double game.
So that is looking double and triple 8. And again, these are light, it is really nice, lightweight because you’re dealing with lithium-polymer. So that’s cool.
This was kick-started. So they met their goal.
So in terms of pricing, you’re looking at about 30$ for triple A’s and a little more. 32$ or so for the double.
And again, from 50 million power versus 15, 60, quite a bit of a difference.
that connector takes up a lot of that space. Right. So, yeah. So that’s it. That’s the pale blue lithium polymer, double and triple-A batteries. Very interesting. Very affordable and really solve a problem.
A thousand charges before we start seeing major degradation, all the goodness of lithium polymer batteries, which means no memory effect.
You know, steady voltage throughout the entire use is very, very exciting. Surprised that he’s done this before.
And I think that the microbus connector on them is really interesting.
So that’s it, I’ll take these through their paces and let you know how they work out for some of the devices they have that do not have built-in lithium-ion batteries. All right, folk. Take care.